WORKSHOP#6: Inclusion of people with disablities in

the agro-sylvo-pastoral sector 

The sixth workshop of the Erasmus+ Agroinclusion project took place in Czech Republic (17/04/2023- 21/04/2023). This workshop focused on share with other participants best practices in integration of people with disabilities in different agrarian sector. Another part of the workshop will show participants the connection between agrarian schools and work practice for people with disabilities. 

This workshop was organised by MAS kraje Vysočina o.p.s. (Czech Republic), a network of 16 LAGs (Local Action Groups). In the Vysočina Region in the Czech Republic and some of the LAG members work with disabled, handicapped, socially disadvantaged people and all LAGs have partners working on inclusion in many areas (education, social services, forestry, agriculture, social entrepreneurship, …).

In this workshop, different visits to organisations took place which demonstrated to the workshop participants how it is possible to integrate people with special needs into the world of work. Among the activities that took place were: 

If you want to know more about the activities that took place during these 3 days you can do it in the following link.