WORKSHOP#5: Welcome at the Lower Saxony in Germany 

The fifth workshop of the Erasmus+ Agroinclusion project took place in Germany (28 february-2 March '23). This workshop focused on share information about Lower Saxony and the Chamber of Agriculture, vocational training in green professions and experiences with people with learning difficulties in special fields: horticulture, home economics and agriculture.

This workshop was organised by Landwirtschaftskammer - LWK Niedersachsen (CALS)  (Germany). The Chamber of Agriculture Lower Saxony (CALS) is an area-wide organisation, is professionally competent, neutral and independent and puts the concept of self-government into daily practice through the links between head offices and honorary offices. The topics of the Chamber are life, work and education of people in agriculture, forestry and horticulture in rural areas.

The workshop was full of activities showing how people with special needs or at risk of exclusion can develop professionally and personally. For this purpose, we enjoy:

If you want to know more about the activities that took place during these 3 days you can do it in the following link.